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Are your PPC campaigns performing at the highest level possible?

Maybe. Or maybe not.

It doesn’t matter what type of company you work with, their industry, or their size.

There are many specific mistakes that impact your PPC success. This article will highlight nine such mistakes.

Some of these PPC mistakes obvious, while others lead to hidden issues that are holding back the ultimate performance.

Note: this article won’t go through the Google Ads mistakes in fine detail here. If you’re looking for that, check out Susan Wenograd’s great work on that topic.

PPC Mistake 1: Not Defining Success
If you don’t define what success looks like, then you can’t make decisions that are objective and factual when you set up, manage, and measure your PPC campaigns.

Start with top-line business goals, marketing goals, or more granular goals.

Then work backward to get the point where you can see how PPC will impact the organization.

Get to the ultimate number of leads, sales, visits, impressions, or other key metrics that matter.

If needed, create a PPC media projection.

Work the numbers to make sure that you properly set budgets and performance expectations.

PPC Mistake 2: Not Understanding the Funnel
While priority one should typically be to turn on PPC efforts and capture the low-hanging fruit – bottom of the funnel conversions – that’s a shortsighted approach if you stop there.

It’s naive thinking that all of my website visitors are going to come to the site and convert on that visit.

Sure, there are some unique circumstances where high percentages will convert and certain keywords or display targeting will perform at a high level.

However, ignoring the rest of the funnel is leaving a lot of opportunities on the table.

Build out your funnel.

Use analytics, heat mapping, and UX tools to understand what the customer journey looks like.

Leverage PPC to open, support, and close the deal with conversions.

Put different values, budgets, and focuses on campaigns, ad groups, ad content, and landing pages for where someone is in the funnel.

Use remarketing to move them through it.

Go beyond just bottom-of-the-funnel direct response targeting.

PPC Mistake 3: Lacking Conversion Tracking or KPIs
The funnel doesn’t matter and our efforts are hard to prove as successful (or not) without the right level of tracking and measurement.

Not all PPC campaigns are driving to a sale or lead.

Whether it is top of the funnel awareness, middle of the funnel engagement, or in support of a business objective that isn’t measurable online, there’s always a measure of success.

If you have conversions, track them directly.

If you have engagement goals, define and track them.

If you have awareness goals, define and track them.

With PPC and other digital marketing disciplines and channels, we have the ability to know.

Not knowing is a big mistake that gets PPC campaigns squashed or holds back the opportunity to get the budget needed to maximize it over the long-term.

PPC Mistake 4: Budgeting the Wrong Amount
Hopefully, we do our homework and do our best to project what we need.

One of the biggest challenges with PPC is wasted spend.

Conversely, not spending enough is also a challenge.

SEM agency of the first things I do when taking over an existing PPC campaign is to look for ways to cut waste before trying to increase the budget.

This relates to targeting, bids, and a wide range of performance best practices, competitive elements, and more.

I’m not going into those here, but please know that you should embark on an audit and search for waste if there’s any question of how efficient the spend is.

On the flip side, PPC managers always want more budget.

There are several keys to unlocking more budget. Hitting goals is one of them.

Being honest with what the outlook is, making sure you haven’t hit diminishing returns, and working toward KPIs like ROAS are critical.

It’s a mistake to not know what the opportunities are for increasing budget and having open communication about it with the stakeholders that control the overall PPC budget.

PPC Mistake 5: Making Landing Pages an Afterthought
Running the show in Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and others is step one.

However, staying focused only on those platforms is a problem.

I mentioned that SEO professionals have to go deeper in collaboration.

That doesn’t mean that PPC is off the hook.

If you aren’t highly focused on where you’re sending traffic and how it is helping do the job of getting to the next step in the funnel or to the conversion, you’re making a mistake.

We can have the most finely tuned account structures, research, targeting, and engagement in our campaigns.

However, if we’re sending traffic to the wrong pages, inducing bounces, and not thinking through to the next step or conversion, our efforts will be watered down or wasted.

Focus on the landing page, user experience, content, messaging, and goals for each ad that you’re using to direct traffic to the site.

Yes, you’re likely focused on quality scores, but think beyond that.

What is the goal here and how can I drive toward it once they took step one and clicked through from my ad.

PPC Mistake 6: Thinking Only About Ourselves
Don’t skip researching your competition.

Yes, we do have unique messaging, branding, and competencies in our industry.

No, we’re not likely the only ones out there advertising in our space.

It’s a big mistake to only look inward at our own vocabulary, products, services, and content.

We have to look at what is being advertised on the same keywords we’re targeting.

We may have to take a step out of our own arena to reach our target audience.

If we have our own branded terms, terms that are really narrow, or don’t generate a lot of search volume, we have to branch out.

It may feel wrong to use a term that isn’t in our vocabulary.

There are a lot of creative and smart ways to target terms that are common, but aren’t those that we want to use.

For example, if you’re a high-end retirement community that offers independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing – and you’re against the terms “nursing home” and anything that has “facility” in it – then you need to think about this.

The reality is that people search for nursing homes.

You may need to target that term.

You can then use your brand to talk about why you aren’t a nursing home.

You’re a cutting edge, differently positioned community.

You have to be found, stay in tune with the market, and then sell your unique brand and propositions.

PPC Mistake 7: Targeting Improperly
If we have any gray area or fuzziness on the answers to the following questions:

Plus a host of more questions about our target audiences – we are in trouble.

Google, Microsoft, and others will take our money whether PPC is working or not.

That’s a fact and a reality.

There are no refunds for mistakes or poor targeting.

PPC Mistake 8: Running on Autopilot
Yes, there are some great software platforms that use machine learning to manage your accounts.

However, those tools and robots don’t sit in marketing meetings, client meetings, and have to be personally accountable for results.

You, your team, or vendors do.

Don’t make the mistake of turning too much over to the robots.

Know what decisions are made by tech and which ones are made by humans.

Know what you have to own, what you can control, and how often you need to intervene.

Doing your PPC totally manual with humans?


Using software and having a process for oversight, updates, and corrections?


Looking at it once a month or quarter and reacting to the data and performance?

PPC Mistake 9: Ignoring Google Ads Updates
So much is made of organic search algorithm variables that search news may seem like it never touches on PPC updates.

Know that Google, Microsoft, and the others do change their systems.

There are notable updates and announcements.

Ignoring news about changes to auctions, bids, ad structure, SERP page layouts, and much more is a big mistake.

Stay up to date and don’t neglect the fact that the search engines are updating and changing their platforms to help their core audience (searchers), advertisers, and themselves overall.

PPC requires technical skills and experience for success.

It may seem like it doesn’t work for certain companies.

Or, it may work to a certain degree.

Mistakes that are obvious are rightfully blamed.

However, there are a lot of under the hood types of mistakes that happen and often compound on each other.

By knowing and working through specific mistakes or potential mistakes, we can make sure PPC gets a fair shot, reaches its full potential, and isn’t written off or siloed away into a corner of the digital marketing or marketing teams and budgets.


Are your PPC campaigns performing at the highest level possible?

Maybe. Or maybe not.

It doesn’t matter what type of company you work with, their industry, or their size.

There are many specific mistakes that impact your PPC success. This article will highlight nine such mistakes.

Some of these PPC mistakes obvious, while others lead to hidden issues that are holding back the ultimate performance.

Note: this article won’t go through the Google Ads mistakes in fine detail here. If you’re looking for that, check out Susan Wenograd’s great work on that topic.

PPC Mistake 1: Not Defining Success
If you don’t define what success looks like, then you can’t make decisions that are objective and factual when you set up, manage, and measure your PPC campaigns.

Start with top-line business goals, marketing goals, or more granular goals.

Then work backward to get the point where you can see how PPC will impact the organization.

Get to the ultimate number of leads, sales, visits, impressions, or other key metrics that matter.

If needed, create a PPC media projection.

Work the numbers to make sure that you properly set budgets and performance expectations.

PPC Mistake 2: Not Understanding the Funnel
While priority one should typically be to turn on PPC efforts and capture the low-hanging fruit – bottom of the funnel conversions – that’s a shortsighted approach if you stop there.

It’s naive thinking that all of my website visitors are going to come to the site and convert on that visit.

Sure, there are some unique circumstances where high percentages will convert and certain keywords or display targeting will perform at a high level.

However, ignoring the rest of the funnel is leaving a lot of opportunities on the table.

Build out your funnel.

Use analytics, heat mapping, and UX tools to understand what the customer journey looks like.

Leverage PPC to open, support, and close the deal with conversions.

Put different values, budgets, and focuses on campaigns, ad groups, ad content, and landing pages for where someone is in the funnel.

Use remarketing to move them through it.

Go beyond just bottom-of-the-funnel direct response targeting.

PPC Mistake 3: Lacking Conversion Tracking or KPIs
The funnel doesn’t matter and our efforts are hard to prove as successful (or not) without the right level of tracking and measurement.

Not all PPC campaigns are driving to a sale or lead.

Whether it is top of the funnel awareness, middle of the funnel engagement, or in support of a business objective that isn’t measurable online, there’s always a measure of success.

If you have conversions, track them directly.

If SEM marketing agency have engagement goals, define and track them.

If you have awareness goals, define and track them.

With PPC and other digital marketing disciplines and channels, we have the ability to know.

Not knowing is a big mistake that gets PPC campaigns squashed or holds back the opportunity to get the budget needed to maximize it over the long-term.

PPC Mistake 4: Budgeting the Wrong Amount
Hopefully, we do our homework and do our best to project what we need.

One of the biggest challenges with PPC is wasted spend.

Conversely, not spending enough is also a challenge.

One of the first things I do when taking over an existing PPC campaign is to look for ways to cut waste before trying to increase the budget.

This relates to targeting, bids, and a wide range of performance best practices, competitive elements, and more.

I’m not going into those here, but please know that you should embark on an audit and search for waste if there’s any question of how efficient the spend is.

On the flip side, PPC managers always want more budget.

There are several keys to unlocking more budget. Hitting goals is one of them.

Being honest with what the outlook is, making sure you haven’t hit diminishing returns, and working toward KPIs like ROAS are critical.

It’s a mistake to not know what the opportunities are for increasing budget and having open communication about it with the stakeholders that control the overall PPC budget.

PPC Mistake 5: Making Landing Pages an Afterthought
Running the show in Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and others is step one.

However, staying focused only on those platforms is a problem.

I mentioned that SEO professionals have to go deeper in collaboration.

That doesn’t mean that PPC is off the hook.

If you aren’t highly focused on where you’re sending traffic and how it is helping do the job of getting to the next step in the funnel or to the conversion, you’re making a mistake.

We can have the most finely tuned account structures, research, targeting, and engagement in our campaigns.

However, if we’re sending traffic to the wrong pages, inducing bounces, and not thinking through to the next step or conversion, our efforts will be watered down or wasted.

Focus on the landing page, user experience, content, messaging, and goals for each ad that you’re using to direct traffic to the site.

Yes, you’re likely focused on quality scores, but think beyond that.

What is the goal here and how can I drive toward it once they took step one and clicked through from my ad.

PPC Mistake 6: Thinking Only About Ourselves
Don’t skip researching your competition.

Yes, we do have unique messaging, branding, and competencies in our industry.

No, we’re not likely the only ones out there advertising in our space.

It’s a big mistake to only look inward at our own vocabulary, products, services, and content.

We have to look at what is being advertised on the same keywords we’re targeting.

We may have to take a step out of our own arena to reach our target audience.

If we have our own branded terms, terms that are really narrow, or don’t generate a lot of search volume, we have to branch out.

It may feel wrong to use a term that isn’t in our vocabulary.

There are a lot of creative and smart ways to target terms that are common, but aren’t those that we want to use.

For example, if you’re a high-end retirement community that offers independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing – and you’re against the terms “nursing home” and anything that has “facility” in it – then you need to think about this.

The reality is that people search for nursing homes.

You may need to target that term.

You can then use your brand to talk about why you aren’t a nursing home.

You’re a cutting edge, differently positioned community.

You have to be found, stay in tune with the market, and then sell your unique brand and propositions.

PPC Mistake 7: Targeting Improperly
If we have any gray area or fuzziness on the answers to the following questions:

Plus a host of more questions about our target audiences – we are in trouble.

Google, Microsoft, and others will take our money whether PPC is working or not.

That’s a fact and a reality.

There are no refunds for mistakes or poor targeting.

PPC Mistake 8: Running on Autopilot
Yes, there are some great software platforms that use machine learning to manage your accounts.

However, those tools and robots don’t sit in marketing meetings, client meetings, and have to be personally accountable for results.

You, your team, or vendors do.

Don’t make the mistake of turning too much over to the robots.

Know what decisions are made by tech and which ones are made by humans.

Know what you have to own, what you can control, and how often you need to intervene.

Doing your PPC totally manual with humans?


Using software and having a process for oversight, updates, and corrections?


Looking at it once a month or quarter and reacting to the data and performance?

PPC Mistake 9: Ignoring Google Ads Updates
So much is made of organic search algorithm variables that search news may seem like it never touches on PPC updates.

Know that Google, Microsoft, and the others do change their systems.

There are notable updates and announcements.

Ignoring news about changes to auctions, bids, ad structure, SERP page layouts, and much more is a big mistake.

Stay up to date and don’t neglect the fact that the search engines are updating and changing their platforms to help their core audience (searchers), advertisers, and themselves overall.

PPC requires technical skills and experience for success.

It may seem like it doesn’t work for certain companies.

Or, it may work to a certain degree.

Mistakes that are obvious are rightfully blamed.

However, there are a lot of under the hood types of mistakes that happen and often compound on each other.

By knowing and working through specific mistakes or potential mistakes, we can make sure PPC gets a fair shot, reaches its full potential, and isn’t written off or siloed away into a corner of the digital marketing or marketing teams and budgets.


Marketers and business owners alike know the inherent value of PAY PER CLICK ads. With 64. 6% regarding consumers interacting with Yahoo and google advertising when on-line store shopping, it may be no wonder NUMEROUS ad development is rising exponentially.

While you might have aced your keyword homework, gotten to know the budget thoroughly, and A/B tested relentlessly, your PAY-PER-CLICK campaigns could still get falling short of their own needed purpose.

How can certainly you craft PAY-PER-CLICK advertisings that stand out through the particular crowd with this sort of a very saturated industry?

Strong, powerful writing capabilities. These must be nurtured in order to drive conversions.

The significance of Great Writing Skills for NUMEROUS Ad Copy
Google and even Bing bothreward remarkable posting with higher quality results, earning you increased rankings and decreased cost each ad.

While lowered expense is always the good issue, the actual importance of fine writing knowledge for NUMEROUS ad duplicate is market reach and even interaction.

Along with limited personality space in your disposal, you want your current PPC ad duplicate to attract audience attention and even carry that attention very long enough for you to result in the desired reaction to your own personal CTA.

Which element of your ad is appealing to plus holding that essential interest?


You have to have to ensure your current clone is doing three items: working hard enough for you to gain that initial focus from a desired audience, speaking to the specific soreness point or even need to get that target audience, and delivering a clear, doable CTA.

Without these three elements at work compellingly on the web site, your ADVERTISEMENT ad duplicate will a great deal more likely than not come to be lost to the azure of the internet.

Exactly how Can You Identify “Good” Writing in PPC plus Advertisement Copy?
To top learn how to improve your unique ad copywriting skills, glimpse no further than pre-existing advertisings that have achieved their objective.

Maybelline Example:
Screenshot of Maybelline PAY-PER-CLICK ad clone writing expertise
Here, the idea is straightforward: purchase the Maybelline BB cream.

The writer memory sticks the searcher to this specific sought after action through clone that may be clear and exact.

Typically the copy also attracts on this emotional assurance of “A good pores and skin day, just about every day, ” promising the ideal perspective.

From deciding on the CTA to the solution explanation to the harnessing involving emotion via the benefit proposition, this PPC advert is definitely a new lesson within strong writing skills.

Field Firm Instance:
The Discipline Company ADVERTISEMENT ad screenshot writing expertise
On the particular other end of the product range is a ad to get a cast in terms of iron fry pan from Field Company.

Here, the idea is as well to drive a selection, but this ad will be missing key components to really make it successful.

This ad is short of a solid CTA and is also not really making a clear put money on for the searcher’s next step.

While the author will take a stab in a effective emotional trigger simply by sharing the organization’s family-owned background, this piece associated with details is not while convincing as the Maybelline advertisement.

Although these 2 ads offer customers very different products, they funnel the same writing abilities to promote their product, relying on dialect to bring in, hold, and, preferably, transfer.

Writing Capabilities ADVERTISEMENT Copywriters Should Have
Above just about all, this effective PPC copywriter have to be deeply familiar along with their potential audience.

Successful detection of this market plus a deep understanding associated with their very own wants and requires is important to success.

You may be the most effective writer in the earth, but devoid of the clear understanding of which a person are speaking to, what exactly you say will not subject at all.

In inclusion to target audience understanding, PAY-PER-CLICK copywriters ought to maintain:

Understanding of user experience
Lustrous writing skills
Advertising awareness
These several writing skills support this development of direct, engaging content material. By harnessing all of these capabilities, writers can not sole reach yet also transform their intended audience.

four Tips for Improving PPC Copywriting Capabilities
Some connected with the best ways in order to increase your writing skills will be to make sure your copy speaks to what consumers happen to be looking for during his or her buyer trip. Here happen to be some of the top methods to make sure the writing is converting adverts into paying customers.

1 . Conversational Change Writing Capabilities
While the following ideas all of address the more technical aspects of sharpening writing skills for PPC ad design, the almost all important factor to retain in mind will be your audience.

You are speaking right to a targeted individual, so you need to make certain all the built backup underlines this individual’s hobbies and challenges plus handles the query these people ended up, consciously or intuitively, seeking.

This can turn out to be attained by using distributed terminology that is particular for your audience.

In this particular way, the best copy writers are also the right researchers. You have to truly recognize the vocabulary linked to the product you’re trying to market.

With some terms specific to be able to your particular viewers, anyone establish a quiet relationship with your visitors, creating trust and relationship.

minimal payments The Devil Is inside the Details
Great composing is in the information. If you’re writing some sort of CTA or creating an advertising in answer for you to a history of search requests, you need to possibly be special and detail-oriented.

As soon as prepared maintenance your writing knowledge for ad copy, you want to be sure to complete each research from it is level of aspect.

This more specific the research, the more accurate often the offer. By the identical principle, this less particular the issue, the a lesser amount of specific this copy.

Any time a search is usually queried, a potential customer is identifying what these people want.

When you note the level of details present plus respond found in kind, youre much additional likely to satisfy that will customer’s need.

3. Making a Call-to-Action
Your CTA has to do a lot involving heavy working out with in your current PPC ad copy.

That should be clear, direct, and even concise. These conditionals that each rely on strong writing expertise.

Remember essentials? They’re essential here, also. Your CTA should particularly share what their intended activity is for often the would-be consumer.

Whether it is “read now” or perhaps “enter to win, ” often the potential customer needs for you to be obvious on their very own next interaction with the PAY-PER-CLICK ad.

To sharpen recognition of that next phase, be sure to start your CTA with a strong action phrase.

“Download, ” “shop, ” together with “discover” are present a few examples of many verbs that can inspire your visitors to help take the particular intended steps.

4. Mental Charge Writing Skills
On add-on to the specificity regarding action, it’s also significant to be able to inspire your viewers with the specificity of emotion.

Everyone knows emotions could impact marketing and advertising achievement.

By way of using words of which generate enthusiasm or passion, anyone incite a effect inside your audience, driving them to take the next step.

ABuffer investigation of the particular IPA dataBANK, which often contains 1, 500 case research of ad advertisments, observed that campaigns having psychological ad content done double as well as their very own wise alternative.

Below will be the top 10 sensations to stir up whenever you’re writing ad replicate:

Checklist of ten emotions of which drive the response in readers writing skills
The very best ad campaigns harness that emotional power, so be sure to include emotionally charged dialect in your copy.

five. The Art of the Arc
Any fine writer knows that just about every good story offers a starting point, a centre, and a finish.

This tenet shouldn’t only be present throughout narrative but as well have to exist in every single item of writing you implement.

No matter if you’re composing some sort of twitter update, an Instagram article, or a PPC ad, your own personal replicate should have a new clear beginning, middle section, and end.

As consumers, we have access to been educated this particular design since childhood, thus it is a pattern we’re used to spotting.

When employed at your own PPC ad copy, anyone create a common structure on your audience, letting them to interact with this ad in a recognized way.

This understanding can be beneficial as that gives the reader a good intuitive path to stick to, which ends together with the action explicitly stated around your current expertly crafted CTA.

3 Tools to Enhance PAY PER CLICK and Ad Writing Knowledge
If you’re seeking for more assistance with maintenance your writing capabilities, at this time there are plenty of solutions available.

TheHemingway App helps identify clunky or maybe extremely complicated paragraphs, letting a person to be more brief and direct in your own personal content.

Try theCopyhackers’ The conversion process Copywriting 101, a new free of charge naturally that teaches you how to prioritize goal and conversion in the composing, regardless of medium.

To further improve your headline prowess, have a look at theCoSchedule Headline Analyzer. This tool helps you boost your current blog head lines for optimum performance and will work regarding ads as well.

Bottom line
The tools and tips featured in this blog post can make your advertisements outshine those of your current competitors in addition to lend you a inventive fringe inside drafting various other advertising and marketing backup.

As you start getting secure with these penning techniques and deploying them all within your work, you’ll see your PAY-PER-CLICK ads start out to perform great just before.

After all, with training comes PPC success.

Are usually best Pulley Media have seen?

The post The way to Level up Your Writing Expertise for Alluring PPC Advertisings made an appearance initial on Neil Patel.


There’s a ton of options out there for Facebook ads reporting, and today I’m going to show you the three best reporting methods, each with their own pros and cons.

Built-in Facebook ad reports
Google Data Studio
Revealbot’s Facebook ad reporting tools
My name is Dee Deng, and I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of Right Hook Digital, a full-service growth agency for ecommerce in Australia. After building literally hundreds of reports for my team and clients and trying many different tools and methods, these are three best Facebook ad reporting options I recommend.

For each one, I’m going to walk you through how to set them up and how we use them for reporting and analysis internally and for our clients at Right Hook.

Key takeaways
Keep in mind who your audience is when building reports
Each reporting method has its pros and cons, understand both when choosing a method
Facebook’s built-in reports are really only good for internal analysis
Reporting with Google Data Studio makes great reports for clients on entire website performance
Revealbot reports are a paid tool, but is both great for clients and internal analysis
Built-in Facebook ad reports
If you need Facebook ad reports fast, look no further than the built-in Facebook ads reporting tools inside Ads Manager called “Ads Reporting.”

With Ads Reporting, you can make pivot tables, trend charts, or bar charts, to analyze ad account, campaign, ad set, and ad performance across a variety of metrics.

The report most often used is the trend report. You’ll be able to choose up to ten breakdowns (lines) and up to two metrics (charts) per report.

Here’s Pulley Media analyzing the link click count and click-through-rate by ad set.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
The nice thing about the built-in Facebook ads reporting tools is that everything is accessible and ready-to-go to start reporting. However, you will find yourself feeling limited to the types of reports you can make. You can’t include data about website performance and you can’t schedule reports to be delivered to certain recipients.

To send a report, you have the option to download the report as an image or a .CSV.

Making reports right inside Ads Manager
In addition to using the Ads Reporting tool, you can simply make custom column “views” right inside Ads Manager to build reports, either for internal analysis or even client reporting.

For internal analysis, I always monitor the core breakdowns: age, gender, impression device, and geo. To get the best data in one view, click the columns drop down and select “custom” and choose the metrics you care about most. Typically, you’ll want to cover the full funnel – so start with amount spent, impressions, outbound clicks, and then your conversion metrics (for ecommerce, that would be add-to-carts, initiated checkout, purchases, purchase value, etc).

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Although you can analyze ad performance through Facebook’s built-in reports and Ads Manager, I really only recommend using this method for ad-hoc analysis and instead use Google Data Studio or Revealbot reports for a more complete reporting solution.

Facebook ads reporting with Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio (GDS) is a free dashboarding and reporting tool from Google that lets you build interactive charts and tables from a variety of sources.

With GDS, you can build auto updating reports, style them to be very visually-appealing, and even connect multiple data sources. Plus, once you create a report with GDS, you can easily share view-only access making it one of the easiest tools to use for client reporting.

Although there isn’t a native Facebook ads plugin for GDS, you can still get Facebook ad data into GDS through Google Analytics. As long as you have Google Analytics installed on the website, Facebook ad results can be measured and analyzed in Google Data Studio as long as you’re using UTM parameters (tracking URLs) for your ads.

The only limitation with this setup out-of-the-box is that you won’t be able to bring in Facebook ad spend. More on that later.

How to set up Google Data Studio for Facebook ads
You can build GDS reports from scratch or start with a template. Here’s the exact template my team and I use at Right Hook for client reporting.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
It’s a 14-page GDS report, with each page revealing interesting data:

Quick snapshot
Age, gender, geo, traffic sources
Purchase time, new vs returning, top products
Channel deep dive
Age group deep dive
Gender deep dive
Device category deep dive
New vs returning deep dive
Top countries and cities breakdown
Day of week and time of day breakdown
Previous month snapshot
Previous quarter snapshot
Year-to-date snapshot
Previous year snapshot
As you can see, it’s a complete marketing and sales report that can also fulfill additional reporting and analysis needs beyond Facebook ads.

How to use my template
To use this GDS report for yourself, open up the template and click the make a copy button in the top right.

When you make a copy, GDS will ask you to select a new data source. The template is currently showing sample Google Analytics data so under “New Data Source,” either select a client’s or your company’s Google Analytics view or choose “Create new data source” and follow the prompts to add a Google Analytics view as a new source.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
In the top left of each page, change the Right Hook logo with your company’s logo and now this GDS report should be 100% ready to begin reporting to your team and clients.

What to look for in the reports
Here’s some of the key insights we derive from these reports and how we use them to improve Facebook ad performance for our clients.

Channels breakdown
The channels breakdown report (page 4) lets you compare the performance of each major channel against each other.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
In this view, you can compare channels by their revenue, conversion rate, average-order-value (AOV), transactions, share of total traffic, and bounce rate.

This is a great report to show the value of Facebook ads and Paid Social compared to direct, which some agencies and companies might view as a benchmark.

Age breakdown
Beyond high-level channel views, one of my favorite reports is the age breakdown. I love to see what age group is bringing in the most revenue, which I can then use to optimize my campaigns and creative messaging.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Another thing to pay attention to is age brackets that have a high AOV, but with a low share of sessions. This information is like finding gold, which I can then use to adjust or create new audiences targeting these “forgotten” age groups.

Gender breakdown
Similar to age breakdown, we can better understand customer behavior in the gender breakdown report.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Sometimes it’s easy to put aside the gender who are least likely to be customers for a particular ad account. But what’s great about this report is it gets my team and I to think about the customer from a psychographic standpoint. We often see surprising conversion rates and AOVs with the less dominant gender, which opens up new ad campaign opportunities.

Day of week and time of day breakdown
For some ad accounts, we like to get really granular and implement various dayparting strategies in our campaigns. The day of week and time of day breakdown report helps us find the high volume and profitability windows we can take to our campaigns.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
By the way, want to automatically start and pause ads during certain days of the week and time of the day? Use Revealbot’s pre-built Dayparting Strategy:

Revealbot’s Facebook ad reporting tools
Another automated way to take care of Facebook ads reporting is using a tool like Revealbot reports.

The cool thing about Revealbot reports is you can create dashboards with various charts and metrics from multiple data sources.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
In the sample report above, you can see the first row is using the “KPI” metrics widget, which you can use to highlight the top level metrics your clients care about most in an update.

The line chart under the KPI widget shows data directly from Google Analytics, which can be customized to show any kind of website user behavior you want to use to tell your performance story.

The pie chart is the third type of widget you can make, which is great for showing the distribution of key metrics and is a quick way to add visual appeal to your reports.

Revealbot reports currently works with:

Facebook ads
Google Ads
Snapchat ads
Google Analytics
The other cool thing about Revealbot reports is you can automatically deliver them on a schedule via email or Slack. So if you send the same weekly or monthly report to your clients, all you need to do is create your reports in Revealbot once, set the schedule, and never worry about reports again.

Try Revealbot Reports Free
Automate Facebook ads reporting and never worry about report days again.
your email address

Sign up free
Top Audience analysis
For internal reporting and analysis, Revealbot’s Top Audiences report is a gold mine of information.

This is how it works. Revealbot will pull all the audience parameters from every ad set in an ad account and combine the performance of ad sets that use the same audience parameters.

In other words, Top Audiences will rank the performance of your audiences, across campaigns. You can even tell Revealbot to ignore certain parameters so similar audiences are combined even though they might be slightly different.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Then you can select up to 10 metrics to rank your audiences. Here’s a quick overview video of how Revealbot’s Top Audiences work:

I think the most important thing with Facebook ads reporting is to not over complicate how reports are made. Making reports can be a huge time suck that in of itself doesn’t improve campaign performance.

Whether you’re using Facebook’s built in reporting, Google Data Studio, or Revealbot reports, you can speed up the process of creating and delivering reports so you can spend more time on things tools can’t do, like campaign strategy and making new ad creatives.


There’s a ton of options out there for Facebook ads reporting, and today I’m going to show you the three best reporting methods, each with their own pros and cons.

Built-in Facebook ad reports
Google Data Studio
Revealbot’s Facebook ad reporting tools
My name is Dee Deng, and I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of Right Hook Digital, a full-service growth agency for ecommerce in Australia. After building literally hundreds of reports for my team and clients and trying many different tools and methods, these are three best Facebook ad reporting options I recommend.

For each one, I’m going to walk you through how to set them up and how we use them for reporting and analysis internally and for our clients at Right Hook.

Key takeaways
Keep in mind who your audience is when building reports
Each reporting method has its pros and cons, understand both when choosing a method
Facebook’s built-in reports are really only good for internal analysis
Reporting with Google Data Studio makes great reports for clients on entire website performance
Revealbot reports are a paid tool, but is both great for clients and internal analysis
Built-in Facebook ad reports
If you need Facebook ad reports fast, look no further than the built-in Facebook ads reporting tools inside Ads Manager called “Ads Reporting.”

With Apex marketing agency , you can make pivot tables, trend charts, or bar charts, to analyze ad account, campaign, ad set, and ad performance across a variety of metrics.

The report most often used is the trend report. You’ll be able to choose up to ten breakdowns (lines) and up to two metrics (charts) per report.

Here’s a sample trend report analyzing the link click count and click-through-rate by ad set.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
The nice thing about the built-in Facebook ads reporting tools is that everything is accessible and ready-to-go to start reporting. However, you will find yourself feeling limited to the types of reports you can make. You can’t include data about website performance and you can’t schedule reports to be delivered to certain recipients.

To send a report, you have the option to download the report as an image or a .CSV.

Making reports right inside Ads Manager
In addition to using the Ads Reporting tool, you can simply make custom column “views” right inside Ads Manager to build reports, either for internal analysis or even client reporting.

For internal analysis, I always monitor the core breakdowns: age, gender, impression device, and geo. To get the best data in one view, click the columns drop down and select “custom” and choose the metrics you care about most. Typically, you’ll want to cover the full funnel – so start with amount spent, impressions, outbound clicks, and then your conversion metrics (for ecommerce, that would be add-to-carts, initiated checkout, purchases, purchase value, etc).

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Although you can analyze ad performance through Facebook’s built-in reports and Ads Manager, I really only recommend using this method for ad-hoc analysis and instead use Google Data Studio or Revealbot reports for a more complete reporting solution.

Facebook ads reporting with Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio (GDS) is a free dashboarding and reporting tool from Google that lets you build interactive charts and tables from a variety of sources.

With GDS, you can build auto updating reports, style them to be very visually-appealing, and even connect multiple data sources. Plus, once you create a report with GDS, you can easily share view-only access making it one of the easiest tools to use for client reporting.

Although there isn’t a native Facebook ads plugin for GDS, you can still get Facebook ad data into GDS through Google Analytics. As long as you have Google Analytics installed on the website, Facebook ad results can be measured and analyzed in Google Data Studio as long as you’re using UTM parameters (tracking URLs) for your ads.

The only limitation with this setup out-of-the-box is that you won’t be able to bring in Facebook ad spend. More on that later.

How to set up Google Data Studio for Facebook ads
You can build GDS reports from scratch or start with a template. Here’s the exact template my team and I use at Right Hook for client reporting.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
It’s a 14-page GDS report, with each page revealing interesting data:

Quick snapshot
Age, gender, geo, traffic sources
Purchase time, new vs returning, top products
Channel deep dive
Age group deep dive
Gender deep dive
Device category deep dive
New vs returning deep dive
Top countries and cities breakdown
Day of week and time of day breakdown
Previous month snapshot
Previous quarter snapshot
Year-to-date snapshot
Previous year snapshot
As you can see, it’s a complete marketing and sales report that can also fulfill additional reporting and analysis needs beyond Facebook ads.

How to use my template
To use this GDS report for yourself, open up the template and click the make a copy button in the top right.

When you make a copy, GDS will ask you to select a new data source. The template is currently showing sample Google Analytics data so under “New Data Source,” either select a client’s or your company’s Google Analytics view or choose “Create new data source” and follow the prompts to add a Google Analytics view as a new source.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
In the top left of each page, change the Right Hook logo with your company’s logo and now this GDS report should be 100% ready to begin reporting to your team and clients.

What to look for in the reports
Here’s some of the key insights we derive from these reports and how we use them to improve Facebook ad performance for our clients.

Channels breakdown
The channels breakdown report (page 4) lets you compare the performance of each major channel against each other.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
In this view, you can compare channels by their revenue, conversion rate, average-order-value (AOV), transactions, share of total traffic, and bounce rate.

This is a great report to show the value of Facebook ads and Paid Social compared to direct, which some agencies and companies might view as a benchmark.

Age breakdown
Beyond high-level channel views, one of my favorite reports is the age breakdown. I love to see what age group is bringing in the most revenue, which I can then use to optimize my campaigns and creative messaging.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Another thing to pay attention to is age brackets that have a high AOV, but with a low share of sessions. This information is like finding gold, which I can then use to adjust or create new audiences targeting these “forgotten” age groups.

Gender breakdown
Similar to age breakdown, we can better understand customer behavior in the gender breakdown report.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Sometimes it’s easy to put aside the gender who are least likely to be customers for a particular ad account. But what’s great about this report is it gets my team and I to think about the customer from a psychographic standpoint. We often see surprising conversion rates and AOVs with the less dominant gender, which opens up new ad campaign opportunities.

Day of week and time of day breakdown
For some ad accounts, we like to get really granular and implement various dayparting strategies in our campaigns. The day of week and time of day breakdown report helps us find the high volume and profitability windows we can take to our campaigns.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
By the way, want to automatically start and pause ads during certain days of the week and time of the day? Use Revealbot’s pre-built Dayparting Strategy:

Revealbot’s Facebook ad reporting tools
Another automated way to take care of Facebook ads reporting is using a tool like Revealbot reports.

The cool thing about Revealbot reports is you can create dashboards with various charts and metrics from multiple data sources.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
In the sample report above, you can see the first row is using the “KPI” metrics widget, which you can use to highlight the top level metrics your clients care about most in an update.

The line chart under the KPI widget shows data directly from Google Analytics, which can be customized to show any kind of website user behavior you want to use to tell your performance story.

The pie chart is the third type of widget you can make, which is great for showing the distribution of key metrics and is a quick way to add visual appeal to your reports.

Revealbot reports currently works with:

Facebook ads
Google Ads
Snapchat ads
Google Analytics
The other cool thing about Revealbot reports is you can automatically deliver them on a schedule via email or Slack. So if you send the same weekly or monthly report to your clients, all you need to do is create your reports in Revealbot once, set the schedule, and never worry about reports again.

Try Revealbot Reports Free
Automate Facebook ads reporting and never worry about report days again.
your email address

Sign up free
Top Audience analysis
For internal reporting and analysis, Revealbot’s Top Audiences report is a gold mine of information.

This is how it works. Revealbot will pull all the audience parameters from every ad set in an ad account and combine the performance of ad sets that use the same audience parameters.

In other words, Top Audiences will rank the performance of your audiences, across campaigns. You can even tell Revealbot to ignore certain parameters so similar audiences are combined even though they might be slightly different.

Facebook ads reporting: 3 Fast options
Then you can select up to 10 metrics to rank your audiences. Here’s a quick overview video of how Revealbot’s Top Audiences work:

I think the most important thing with Facebook ads reporting is to not over complicate how reports are made. Making reports can be a huge time suck that in of itself doesn’t improve campaign performance.

Whether you’re using Facebook’s built in reporting, Google Data Studio, or Revealbot reports, you can speed up the process of creating and delivering reports so you can spend more time on things tools can’t do, like campaign strategy and making new ad creatives.

The best way to name your merchandise as well as brand

Today we’re going more than the best way to come up together with a creative, catchy, buzzworthy name for your fresh product or maybe brand.

Initially and foremost, there’s a great deal of work to do in advance of anyone name your brand name : demographics of your own target audience, who also prepared speaking to, etc. It really is a giant ingredient of brand identification growth, but not really what we will be addressing today (we’d be in this case forever guys).

Let us make use of the example of a new coffee chain. There are a few simple formulas that will aid lead you to the ideal title for your roastery.

Formulas intended for Brand Brands
Adjective + Noun
Typically the Lucky Cup, Scrumptious Roasts

Noun + Noun
Charcoal grill and Toasters is the right example. This is specifically regular for law methods “Name + Name”. This design offers a no-nonsense approach, but can possibly be used for less severe companies also. Pulley Media plus Grounds for example. Jimmy Johns Subs. For my own non-existent java shop, My partner and i might call it Trickles and Sips.

Existing unrelated word, sometimes with the particular punctuational changed.
Target. Apple inc.

These generally come totally from left field. Found in continuance with our java shop example, java locations are so common you need to keep in mind your current search opposition. You would be competing in Google look for places with “coffee” somewhere in the name, thus My partner and i would still highly recommend using the phrase somewhere in this instance. For example of this, if you went together with the term “Puzzle”, I’d point out to choose “Puzzle: Java House”.

Usage Another Words
(Latin, Greek, French, Spanish). You can use the expression alone, for example, Taso indicates cup… I may well just stick with “Taso”, or even I may go with Past participle + another dialect. Or perhaps maybe “Steel Taso” – combining the use associated with the other language procedure, with an adjective. Look at? Easy!

Give this a residence!
Names with synonyms for the word “house” or “place” are pretty standard fare as well.

House of Roasts. Coffee Spot. The particular Caffeine Post.

Invent some sort of word.
This can be used for products. internet marketing include Google. You could check out word endings in addition to origins on a grammar website, that certainly is a excellent place to begin. The particular Latin word for espresso is usually capulus, and the common stopping to asian phrases can be “um” because in pool – so maybe We would certainly develop the word Caferum, and add a new long U sound so it reads as “Café Room”. I’ve only blended inventing a phrase, using another language, and giving it a house! BOOM!

Ready to find out more about branding? Delighted to help! Let’s get in contact.

The way to name your item or brand

Today we’re going more than how to come up together with a artistic, catchy, buzzworthy name for your innovative product or brand.

Earliest and foremost, there’s many work to do just before anyone name your manufacturer : demographics of your own personal target audience, who you happen to be speaking to, etc. Which is a giant aspect of model identification advancement, but not what we will be dealing today (we’d be below forever guys).

Time to apply the illustration of a good cafe. There are many simple formulas which will help lead you to the perfect name for your roastery.

Formulas to get Brand Names
Adjective + Noun
Often the Lucky Cup, Scrumptious Roasts

Noun + Noun
Roasters and Toasters is the perfect example. This is specifically normal for law methods “Name + Name”. That design offers a no-nonsense approach, yet can become used for less really serious brand names also. Rodan plus Grounds for example. Jimmy Johns Subs. For my own non-existent caffeine shop, I might call it Trickles and Sips.

Existing not related word, sometimes with this punctuational changed.
Target. Apple company.

All these generally come entirely out of left field. Inside standing; permanence stability with our java shop example, espresso locations are so common that you have to keep in mind the search rivals. You’d come to be competing in Google seek out places with “coffee” some time in the name, thus My partner and i would still advise using the phrase somewhere in this instance. With regard to instance, if you went having the expression “Puzzle”, I’d point out to choose “Puzzle: Coffee House”.

Employ Another Language
(Latin, Ancient greek, French, Spanish). You can use your message alone, for example, Taso signifies cup… I may possibly just stick with “Taso”, or perhaps I may go with Appositive + another terminology. Or maybe maybe “Steel Taso” ~ combining the use involving the other language procedure, with an adjective. Look at? Easy!

Give it a house!
Names with synonyms for that word “house” or “place” are pretty standard fare as well.

House of Roasts. Coffee Spot. This Level of caffeine Post.

Invent a new word.
This is often used with regard to products. Some popular good examples include Google. You may research word endings and start on a grammar website, that’s a great place to begin. Typically read more Which include word for espresso is usually capulus, and a new common stopping to latin phrases will be “um” while in holding – now maybe I actually will a whole new the word Caferum, through adding a good long U tone so it reads since “Café Room”. I’ve just combined inventing a statement, using another language, plus giving it a residence! BOOM!

Ready to know more about branding? Joyful to help! Let’s make contact.